Dec 9, 2016

The tail of a 99-million-year-old dinosaur, including bones, soft tissue, and even feathers, has been found preserved in amber, according to a report published today in the journal Current Biology. While individual dinosaur-era feathers have been found in amber, and evidence for feathered dinosaurs is captured in fossil impressions, this is the first time that scientists are able to clearly associate well-preserved feathers with a dinosaur, and in turn gain a better understanding of the evolution and structure of dinosaur feathers. The research, led by paleontologist Dr. Lida Xing of the China University of Geosciences, was funded in part by the National Geographic Society's Expeditions Council.



June 28, 2016

The most important collections are a trove of Mid Cretaceous amber from Myanmar. Two pieces of bird wing amber (the Rose Wing and the Angle Wing) are the most valuable as the every first bird amber specimens ever. They reveal true features of bird living in the Dinosaur Age for the first time. They are described in Nature Communications in June, 2016 based on a research led by Dr. Xing Lida (China University of Geosciences, Beijing) and Prof. Ryan C. McKellar (Royal Saskatchewan Museum). 

Quite a lot mainstream media, including Xinhua News Agency, People's Daily, National Geographic Society, Nature, Discovery and New York Times, reported this achievement after its issuance.
Moreover, we also have other equally important but not yet published amber specimens.

The Rose Wing specimen. The Angle Wing specimen.
The micro-CT images of the two wing specimens.
The feathers of Rose Wing. The feathers of Angel Wing.


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